I don’t know what dentists did with their marketing, but damnit I want them to do my marketing. Everyone and their mom can get behind mouth hygiene - they (hopefully) brush their teeth, use mouthwash, and heck - even floss from time to time. No one questions whether they should be taking care of their teeth… yet when it comes to taking care of their joints, it is more like pulling teeth than it is brushing teeth.
There is one proven method over all the years of health sciences that has held true when it comes to keeping joints healthy: Movement and Exercise. Most people understand that exercise is beneficial for them, but do not think about it from a perspective of joint health. Moving your joints through their full range of motion each and every day is like putting WD-40 on a door hinge. It increases synovial fluid, brings nutrients to the joint, increases blood flow, and tells your body that those ranges of motion are important to maintain over time.
If we took care of our joints in the same way we took care of our teeth, there would be far less knee, hip, and back surgeries. Here is an instructional video outlining some joint hygiene exercises called “Controlled Articular Rotations” (CARs). CARs are used:
• To maintain joint health and integrity
• To increase neural drive throughout full ROM
• To maintain our current ROM as entropy is constantly acting to deteriorate tissues in our body
• As a daily check-in to see how your body is feeling
Give these movements a try and implement them in your daily routine!